26 November 2010


konbanwa minna.

erm... yea, I'm once again will be on HIATUS mode.
I have no big problem i guess.
i just can't find anything that I can post in here for awhile.
or maybe, for a long time? =_=
but, you can still find me in Facebook. always! everyday, every time, n every night.

I just don't have any interest on Blogger anymore.
maybe I will be back sometimes, someday.
but, I don't know when.
bye2 bloggers.
and don't forget,
see you in Facebook! add me okay? :)


25 November 2010

I'm Back! :D (i guess.)

yo! hehe... konnichiwa minna-san.
so sleepy~~ nemuri... ~_~
i wanna sleep. can i? D':

o yea, long time no see everyone.
I'm not so into Blogger nowadays.
but, you can always meet me (if you want to) in Facebook. :)

this morning I've gone to the JJ.
actually, i wanna meet my bff at there.
but, something had happened to her.
she had a stomach ache. >.<
i guess, i can't meet her this week. T^T
but, i hope that she'll get well soon. i'm so worried about her.

okay, wanna make this post, as simple as possible! :)
i bought something that, for me it's cute. hehe.
let the pics to the talking~

it has been a very long time since the last time I ate Takoyaki, and Chestnut.
miss it...
so i bought both of them! :D
I ate the Takoyaki's on behalf of my bff. TwT

and I have a new handphone! xD
don't ask me what brand. it will always be Sony Ericsson. o.o
yey! >w<

that's all for today.

18 November 2010

Mimpi yg agk mngejutkan! Part.1

ehem ehem! huhu. hehe. haha! xD
xtau la. Mika dh merenk. Hiks.

okay, cter sbnrnye cmni. mlm smlm, Mika mmg syok giler la dok tgk vid The Gazette n Alice Nine.
tp yg plg syok adlh Alice Nine...
Mika pun tgk la vid yg dorg wat tu. penuh dgn gmbr Shou. syok sgt2! xD

"hello~ I'm Shou~" hihiks! tipu aje~

hehe. Mika dok kt dpn lappy tu, kalo kwn2 Mika tgk msti dorg kata Mika ni giler. hiks! (mmg giler ckit kot?? xD)
tp mn x giler diwatnyer. dh la Shou tu cute+handsome+gorgeous+...hot!+sexy+~~~~ *faints*
(Shou is a guy okay~)

ok, bukan ni yg Mika nk cter.
Mika nk cter psl mmpi Mika. mlm td Mika mmpi ssuatu yg bez!
ape agknya? ape yg Mika mmpikan tu? korg rs ape?
mmg Mika rs mimpi tu mcm btul2 brlaku! n Mika hrpkan yg ianya akan btul2 brlaku! :D
it's so wonderful~~~that dream... *_*

korg rs Mika mmpi psl ape??
hm.... teka aje la. besok Mika smbung cter mmpi ni lg. hiks.

16 November 2010

I Nedd A Guitar!!! DX

I want it!!! D':
but when will I get it?
I also don't know la... T^T
I really want the electric guitar but, it's kinda expensive. :'(
and my mom will kill me if I bought it.
she said that acoustic guitar is much more better than the electric guitar.
but, I love electric guitar more!!! D'x
hm... but I'm a beginner. so, better to wear the acoustic guitar. right?

but, you know? I've fall in love with Aoi's guitar.
so damn cool!
ergh!!! I really want it!!! D'x
but, really, it's expensive. T__T
I better practice with the acoustic guitar first.

so sleepy la. can I sleep?
no. I can't.


15 November 2010


baru la hari ni, saat ni, Mika perasan ssuatu!
dh! x pyh susah2 cari headphone yg sm mcm J-rockers tu sume dah Mika!
buat penat je!
ni ha! depan mate ko, yg ko selalu dok pakai tu mmg dah J-rockers pnyer headphone dah tu!!!! 
uwaaaa!!! *menangis kegembiraan* :'D

Mika mula2 pun mcm x caye je ape yg Mika nmpk dlm satu video Alice Nine ni.
dorg wat photoshoot x silap Mika.
Mika tgk video tu kat youtube tp dh x ingt ape tjuknye. (byk sgt. so, lupe)
lps tu, Mika tgk btul2 pnyer tgk ms Shou tgh sangkut headphone die kat leher die.
then, Mika perasan sesuatu n Mika hepi x terhingga! xD
i was just like, "uwaaa!!! My headphone!!!".
not that my headphone is broken. but Shou's headphone is the same as mine!
omg! I'm so happy~~~ *__*

it's not a big deal i guess.
but for me, it is BIG. x)
don't believe it? look below!
 yes, Shou n Saga. sweet! :D
see the headphone?
look below~
okay, the colors are different but still, it's the same design!!! oAo
I'm so happy! Yey! xD

and just now, I almost got a heart-attack when I saw these pics. see below.
It's from a photoshoot book of Alice Nine.
Tp tjuk die agak mngejutkan Mika. o_o
It's called as Kuroshitsuji+Alice Nine = Neo Genesis.

Kuroshitsuji = "Kyaaa!!! Sebastian! Ciel!"
Alice Nine = "kyaaa!!!! *faint*"
Kuroshitsuji+Alice Nine = ???? *dies*

Make-Up Tutorial 4~

Yey! I'm back~! xD
How do you do, my friends? long time no see. hiks.
it's me who gone right? :P
okay, now I'm back with another make-up tutorial that I've found and really like it. so, I wanna share it with you guys/girls. xD
hope that this tutorial help you (and of course me) to achieve the Oshare/Visual-Kei look...
Good Luck! :D
remember, VK make-up can also be worn by guys. not juz girls. bcuz most of the VK artist are guys.
but, better think about it before you wear make-ups, guys.

credit goes to MakeupPiggy from Youtube. ;D
I just love this tutorial. hehe

p/s: yea, I'm a VK fan. so what? Rock on!!!! \m/(^_~)\m/

11 November 2010

Disband, Disband, n DISBAND! Dx

konichiwa minna-san! ogenki?
mood: worried+sick
current wishes: where can i buy the red eye-shadow???

huhu... ape la kne dgn tajuk tu ek?
rs2nye, ape ek?
disband, disbanding, disbanded. sm la tu kan? cuma kegunaannye brbeza.

cter psl disband ni, Mika mkin lm mkin risau.
mkin lm, mkin rmai Visual Kei group yg disband.
Mika rs risau. takut2 kumpulan ksygn Mika akn disband jgak.
uwaaa!!! tak nak!!! D'x
kalo dorg nk disband skalipun, biarla slps Mika dpt jmpe dorg...! :'(
uhuk! isk isk... T^T

p/s: hrp2 dorg xkan disband lgsung!

08 November 2010

dah lama x update blog.

kan? biler nk update, xtau ape yg nk ditulis.
dh buntu. sejak kematian kucing tersayang, blog dh jd cm senyap je.
update pun ckit2 je.
mungkin lps ni kalo ade yg menarik, leh la update blog lg. huhu...
k la, takat ni je entry ni.
sori kat kwn2 yg x putus2 blogwalking kat blog Mika ni.
Mika juz dh hilang mood nk update blog. n kin akan jrg blogwalking kat blog korang.
sori ea sume.

salam. bye2.

06 November 2010

Masih Sedih.

uhuk. isk isk. T^T
stiap kali tgk gmbr die, msti x thn. sebak.
stiap kali tgk je msti nangis. sedih yg teramat.
smpai skang pun kesedihan masih tidak terubat.
asalkan tgk brg2 haiwan peliharaan (kucing), msti rs cm nk nangis.
x dpt nk thn.
xtau cmne nk berhenti.
I love my cat so much. it's a special cat that I ever saw in my whole life!
it's a cat, but he could act like a dog.
it can stand by it's own two feet, it can open the door by itself, it acts like a spoiled brat, it's so cute. only my family know about our cat.
but, maybe, i should just accept the truth that it's already leaving us to a better place.
hrp dimaafkan slh silap diriku ini. 

p/s: lps ni nk bela guinea pig plak kot? ntahla.

03 November 2010

Bagaikan Mimpi

pagi tu, tika dia masih bernyawa, selera makannya msih lg memuncak.
dia lapar. lalu tuannya mmberi makan. msih gembira.
suara dia memecah kesunyian ruang rumah itu.
setelah itu, ssudah perutnye kenyang, dia pun beredar dari rumah. keluar mencari keseronokan di luar barangkali.
die terlalu sihat utk dianggap sakit.
namun, setelah lama di luar rumah, tuannya berkata dgn nada pilu kepada dua org ahli kluarganya lg (isteri dan anak), "dia sudah mati."
anak dan isterinya terkejut.
"apakah benar semua ini?"
si suami atau ayah itu menunjukkan mereka ke satu arah.
kelihatan sekujur tubuh yg tidak bernyawa lg, terbaring di hadapan mereka.
isterinya terus menangis. sungguh sayangnya tidak terperi. hatinya sebak.
si anak tidak mampu berkata ape2 melainkan hanya mampu mngalirkan air mata. sebak.
"mungkin sudah tiba ajalnya." kata si suami atau ayah itu.
isterinya mengangkat tubuh itu, terkulai lemah.
mengalir air mata kesedihan mereka bertiga.

tidak disangka sungguh pemergianmu. tidak dptku terima kenyataan ini.
semuanya bagaikan mimpi.
tapi apakan daya driku hanya seorg manusia.
hanya mampu menerima takdir dari Yang Esa.
sungguh, pemergianmu tidak akan ada pengganti.

selamat tinggal buatmu utk selama-lamanya.
namun, kenangan tika kita bersama, tidakkan ku lupai.
farewell my dear friend. farewell...

02 November 2010


mood: So sad.

R.I.P...My beloved cat.
I will miss you so much.
Rest In Peace.

Let's Walk Together