baru la hari ni, saat ni, Mika perasan ssuatu!
dh! x pyh susah2 cari headphone yg sm mcm J-rockers tu sume dah Mika!
buat penat je!
ni ha! depan mate ko, yg ko selalu dok pakai tu mmg dah J-rockers pnyer headphone dah tu!!!!
uwaaaa!!! *menangis kegembiraan* :'D
Mika mula2 pun mcm x caye je ape yg Mika nmpk dlm satu video Alice Nine ni.
dorg wat photoshoot x silap Mika.
Mika tgk video tu kat youtube tp dh x ingt ape tjuknye. (byk sgt. so, lupe)
lps tu, Mika tgk btul2 pnyer tgk ms Shou tgh sangkut headphone die kat leher die.
then, Mika perasan sesuatu n Mika hepi x terhingga! xD
i was just like, "uwaaa!!! My headphone!!!".
not that my headphone is broken. but Shou's headphone is the same as mine!
omg! I'm so happy~~~ *__*
it's not a big deal i guess.
but for me, it is BIG. x)
don't believe it? look below!
yes, Shou n Saga. sweet! :D
see the headphone?
look below~
okay, the colors are different but still, it's the same design!!! oAo
I'm so happy! Yey! xD
and just now, I almost got a heart-attack when I saw these pics. see below.
It's from a photoshoot book of Alice Nine.
Tp tjuk die agak mngejutkan Mika. o_o
It's called as Kuroshitsuji+Alice Nine = Neo Genesis.
Kuroshitsuji = "Kyaaa!!! Sebastian! Ciel!"
Alice Nine = "kyaaa!!!! *faint*"
Kuroshitsuji+Alice Nine = ???? *dies*
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