30 October 2010

Cerita Semalam = Kek~ ^^

konnichiwa minna-san~ ogenki?? :)
mood: kinda angry but still okay.
current wish: hope that the "kenduri kahwin" ends faster! arrgghhh!!!! DX

hm... cter smlm. ingt nk post smlm. tp xjd sbb letih sgt2.
hehe... smlm mmg sonok.
sbb apakah? Apakah??? :D
sbb... smlm umah Mika berbau bgitu harum!
hiks. kenapakah? sbb, smlm Mika buat kek!
yum yum! *¬*

mcm biase, bukanla kek yg special mn pun...
just kek marble. me like! xD
ini resipi turun-menurun dlm kluarga Mika.
mak Mika kata nenek Mika mmg suke buat kek ni.
tp, dlm rmai2 adik-brdik mak Mika, die sorg je yg pndai buat. snoknye~ (>w<)
smpai sepupu Mika yg kat Penang tu pun nak ktorg wat kek kt sn ari tu.
tp syg, dorg sndri pun xtau cmne nk kndalikan electric oven yg sepupu Mika dpt ms hari kahwin die. sedih. D:

hehe... sronok dpt buat kek ni kan?
ade ke org yg benci buat kek???
adakah? siapakah?? kenapakah???
kalo ade, mmg Mika akan jd cm> "(OnO) HONTOU?!"
agak terkezhut. Mika x rs ade org yg marah ketika buat manisan.
sbb manisan akan buat ssorg tu hepi scra spontan. I like it~! :D

mmg sonok wat kek marble ni.
Mika x pakai warna yg dorg selalu gune tu ea. (coklat n kuning)
Mika pakai mcm2 warna. lg byk warna lg bez buat kek ni!
biler potong je nmpk la wrne2 n corak2 tu.
wuish! x dpt nk bygkan. *-*
tgk gmbr baru boleh. hiks. :P

 In progress. see the colors? I create the purple color by myself. (sanggup!) xD
dh msk~ it's time to eat them! >:D
nomnomnom. (>w<)
ni nak bg kat jiran sebelah. sbb tu bubuh dlm bekas.
3 aje??? bukan la! Mika juz tgkap 3 ni je x brmakna nk bg kat jiran sblh 3 ni je!

okay, time to see the inside of this cake.
jeng jeng jeng! lolz. xD
hehe... yg ni je la yg msih terselamat di tgn Mika. yg lain sume dh bg jiran. T-T
mmg ade lg tp yg warne-warni cmni x byk... uhuk.
xpela. lain kali leh wat lg... tul tak?

dulu kalo masa Mika kecik2 dlu, mak Mika selalu wat ikut sukatan sbnrnye.
agak manis n biler kek sejuk, die jd keras. o_o
tp biler satu ari tu, Mika rs nk ubah ckit die nyer sukatan bhn2 tu supaya x manis sgt n x keras sgt.
so, gula n tepung telah dikurangkan.
(tp kne ingat, kalo tepung terlalu kurang, kek akan jd berminyak. so, nk kurangkan pun kne agak2 jgak aw)
mmg sesuai la utk sesape yg x suke mknn yg terlalu manis.
hasilnye, smpai ade kwn auntie Mika nk tmpah kek ni. :D
sonok sgt kan? kalo ade org suke mkn mknn yg kte wat? hiks!
^^ first time in my life!

hehe... ade sape2 nak tempah ke? ^^
huhu... kalo nk, leh bgtau kat Mika.
email or just message me. ok?

okeyh! it's time for tea~
nom nom nom!


28 October 2010

Tea Time!!! :D

konnichiwa minna-san~! ^^
mood: happy!
current wish: wanna sleep. -_-

hehe... yey! baru je lps tgk cter Alice In Wonderland (AIW). >w<
bez gler la~ berulang2 kali tgk pun x bosan. msti nk tgk n tgk2 lg. hiks! :)

aha! ckp psl AIW, teringat kat Mad Hatter.
biler ingat kat Mad Hatter, teringat kat Mad Tea Party.
biler dh teringat ttg Mad Tea Party, tb2 teringat lak kt tea set. hiks! xD
skang ni dh byk jenis tea set and dinner set yg dijual kat psrn kan?
Mak Mika beli yg KK pnyer. ade jgak yg jenama Vantage.
pokoknye sumenye cntik2 n elegant. ade style victorian gitu. or we call it as English Tea Set. me like! :D

mmg Mika minat sgt tea set yg ade style victorian n elegant. berbanding dgn tea set style modern.
yg modern pun cntik gak, cume reka bntuk biase sj. n simple. tp ade kecanggihannye kat ctu. ^^
antara rekaan modern tea set :
gmbr2 ni sume dr Google ajew~ x)
cantik jgak kan? sometimes, simple makes perfect. :)
lgpun modern design cmni lg murah berbanding yg victorian tea set.

victorian style sudah tentu ade byk corak2 n kebanyakkannye corak bunga ros.
cume sstghnye trlalu pdt dgn corak smpai pening org dok menengoknya.
antara contoh english/victorian tea set:

     Sandy Clough Miss Sandy's Scripture Tea Set Child's Tea Set in Gift Box Girl's Sasha's Secret Garden Child's Porcelain Tea Set 
huhu... gmbr ehsan Google~ (~w~)

cantik kan??? yg English style yg sbnr.
susah kalo nk cari kat Malaysia.
kalo Vantage or KK pun, lain sgt la drpd yg ori pnyer. :)
ni kne tempah aje la kot? baru leh dpt.
huhu... org kaya leh la. (>~<)
hehe... baik bhenti mngarut skang. huks.

okay la, bile dh dpt sume tea set,
meh la kte join Mad Tea Party dgn Mad Hatter skali~! xD


Happy Birthday To You~! xD

Guitar~~ *-*

Ohayou minna-san! ogenki?? :)
mood: sleepy
current wish: I wanna sleep. =_=

ahaha! Guitar!!! lol. mcm x pnh nmpk gitar lak. -_-
sbnrnye, cternye cmni.
sejak Mika mula minat dgn kumpulan The Gazette, Mika tb2 jd minat lak nk main gitar. apakah???
hiks. nk main gitar sgt2!
sebelum ni kat Giant Batu Caves ni xde jual gitar tau. last2 ari tu tgk die ade jual gitar, sukenye Mika! xD
mula la act mcm x nah jmpe gitar! lol.
I love it~ I want it! but I won't get it. T^T
ntah la kan, mak Mika pun tnya cmne la minat Mika leh tb2 brubah lak?
dlu kata suke piano. lps tu gitar lak! :P
sonok la tgk org main gitar. lbih2 lg yg rockers tu. bez giler!!! xD
n they look so cool~ *-*

cool! right??? xD

I love... the one at the center~
that's a bass. but, still in a family of guitar right? :P
but not only the guitar...
hehe...Reita~~~hot! (^///^)

okay, ape2 pun, Mika still nk bljr main gitar!
nk jgak!!!! >n<
x kire apepun! yosh!!!!
nk kne korek duit kat bank la agknye ni... uhuk. T-T
abih la...

Make-Up Tutorial 3: Uruha style~ :D

konbanwa minna-san! ogenki? ^^
mood: happy~
current wish: wanna trim my hair.

haha! hehe! xDD
Omigod, I just can't stop grinning. lol. ahaks!
woah! its 1:38a.m. already?? huhu... i juz can't sleep. :P

just now, in about 30 mins. I cut and trim my hair again. (juz can't get enough of it!)
and when I'm doing it, suddenly (lol), it reminds me of Uruha form The Gazette. dunno him? look below!
this is Uruha, and he is a guy. :D

there's nothing big about what am i doing.
just, I'm trying to wear make-up like he does. lol. xDD
I just love his make-up! what do they call it?
er... double eye-line?? er... I'm not sure. o_o
but it really suits him well right?
his eyes look so sexy~ xD

when I finish working on with the make-up and done my hair, I just love it! >w<
I don't know why but, I like it! :D
but, I'm not going to wear it outside of my room/house lorh...
just kinda hard and takes time to do it. >_<

hehe... but if you're interested to do this make-up, below is a tutorial video on how to style Uruha's style~ enjoy!
credit to Eemeraude from Youtube! ^^

26 October 2010


Wanna ask something? Go on! x3 http://formspring.me/MikaDarkness

The Gazette~ (~w~)

konnichiwa minna-san~ :)
mood: The Gazette.
current wish: The Gazette. (lol)

uh...*sigh* so sleepy~ (~_~)
but it's not a time for sleep right now.
I'm watching the The Gazette's fan video right now.
and that makes me so jealous to the other country that was so lucky to have met with them. T^T
why??? why??? why don't they come to Malaysia???!!! uwaaa!!!! D'x
I wan't them at here!
I thought that Malaysia really love and appreciates music! but... why do they only call for english artist but not Japanese??? T-T
I'm so sad... sad... sad...

maybe, if I really want to meet them, I just have to go to Japan by myself. *sobs*
and watch their concerts there. *sobs*
but, that will not be enough for me. *sobs*
maybe I have to work with the PSCompany so that I can meet with them everyday~ (*-*)
maybe I can work at the backstage. to set their clothes, n other things. ooohhh~~~ (*w*)
or maybe.... I can...touch them? kyaaaa~~~!!!! xDD

now, that really sounds like a stalker. lol.
dreams will only remain as a dreams. (-_-)

the end...

23 October 2010

It's On Air~~! Yey! xD

konbanwa minna-san! :D
mood: happy but sleepy...
current wish: wanna meet my friend. :'(

yey! I just bought a hair straightener and a hair dryer! nyahaha! xP
it's been a long time. lol.
I want these things but mother keep on giving me an excuse! huh...
but now, I have got what I want. ^^

o, I forgot. about the title. hehe...
it's not a big news. but, it is a big news for us anime lovers! x)
Togainu no Chi's anime is on air!!! hahaha!
actually, maybe this is kinda late for me to post about this.
but, better late than never right? :P

for those who don't know what is this Togainu no Chi is all about, let me explain it here.
okay, *ehem ehem* it's an anime. lol. but originally came from a BL game. that's all. ahaks! xD

The characters:
from left: Akira, Keisuke, Shiki
from left: Rin, Motomi, Nano
Arbitro, and Kau (er... he's a dog. >_<")
Kiriwar, n Gunji. (they're called as "executioner")

ahahaha! that's the characters. >:D
I know, some of it looks weird. but don't ask me why does it looks like that. go and ask the creator. (>_<)
erm... what else?
o! you can watch this anime on animecrazy.net if you're intrested.
the 3rd episode is already out but still don't have any subs yet. just wait for it.
I can't wait to watch it! get it subbed asap plz!!! Dx

uh... what else?
nothing i guess. ('-')
okay, that's all!

Make-Up Tutorial 2~

Konbanwa minna-san!!! :)
mood: horrible but fine.
currently wishing for: a new haircut! D:

okay, today I wanna share with all of you some other Visual Kei make-up that I found in Youtube.
of course, sometimes I'm also wearing this kind of make-up.
It's inspired by Takeru from SuG. don't know him? look below

yea, pink. i know. xP

the make-up tutorial will be inspired by this look.
so, erm... enjoy!

This tutorial is not by me. lol.
credit to pwndlawlz from Youtube.

Benci Orang Kutuk Anime! Dx

kalo dh x suke, xyah tgk!
kalo dh x suke, xyah ganggu org lain yg suke tgk!
kalo dh x suke, diam2 je la!
eeeiii!!! geramnyer aku!!! grrr!
kalo aku dh suke tu, yg ko duk bising komplen itu ini psl anime apasal???
kalo dh xsuke tu xyah la komplen2!
org yg komplen2 psl anime ni hnye 1:10000000 je ko tau x???!!!
biler dh 1:10000000 tu mknenye ko akan kne hentam habis-habisan oleh yg 10000000 tu!
so, kalo x nk kne hntam, baik ko senyap!
yg sokong ko pun nnti hnya 1:10000000000000 ko tau x??!!
so, shut your fucking mouth up! you're just a nuisance! blaahhh!!!!
kalo la rs cm anime tu mengarut la, x logik la, ape la, yg ko leh tgk citer Doraemon n Shin-chan tu? ok lak??
bukan anime ke tu? apakah kartun2 Disney itu bukan anime??
hahaha!!! mmg betul la sgkaan aku! ko xtau ape mksud anime yg sbnr!
anime tu sm sj mksudnye dgn animation. omputeh pggilnye animation, n org Jepun pggilnye anime. apakah bezanya???
sakitnye hati ni!!! D:<

Badut la ko! hmph!
H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~

19 October 2010


moshi2! konnichiwa minna-san! ogenki?? :D
mood: happy. but sick. TT^TT
Location: my home~~ :3

huh! sungguh penat! baru balik dari mmbeli-belah di psry Giant.
beli la mcm2. brg dapur je pun. :P
eh, ade gak la Mika beli brg Mika ckit...; DVD anime:ouran high school host club, tudung, n kotak aksesori yg bg Mika mmg cute! (>w<) n ade la satu lg aksesori utk gntung2 kat beg. :P
hiks. ok la, back to the topic k? :)

i was tagged! sbnrnye smlm mmg nk jwb tag ni tp x sempat. >_<

ok la, antara syarat2nye adalah...:
1. cipta title sndri. (kin title utk tag ni kot?)
2. 25 perkara yg org lain x tau tp kne tau. (wuish! ippai dane... >_<")
3. tag 25 org yg bertuah! (I'll try my best. >_<")
4. i was tagged by Dysha-chan. sankyuu! ("thank you" in Japanese sleng. :P)

(Mika buh je la ape2 pun ea? yg dh tau ke or watever. :P)

1. Mika ni jenis yg pemalu. kalo org lain tegur, baru Mika akan tegur dorg blk.
2. Mika ni jenis yg pendiam. kin org pk yg Mika ni sombong for the first time they saw me. tp bler dh kenal baru dorg akan tau cmne Mika yg sbnrnye. tp kalo Mika pk die x serasi dgn Mika, ttp x dpt berkawan juga akhirnye.
3. Mika suka Jepun. kalo la boleh, nk jd warganegara sana! xD
4. Mika suke fashion remaja2 Jepun skang yg sgt2 unik n sgt2 comel. such as Lolita n Visual Kei. :3
5. Mika suke tgk anime. hei! anime bukan hanya utk budak2 ok!
6. Mika suke sgt mkn kek. xD
7. Mika suka tgk drama/movie Jepun, lbih2 lg yg dorg adaptasi dr manga or anime. Korea pun leh thn la. :)
8. Mika hnya lyn lagu2 Jepun lbih2 lg yg genre Visual Kei/Jrock. hiks. bukannye xnk sokong lgu2 tmptn... tp, dh x suke nk wat cmne kan? xP
9. Mika dlm proses mmpelajari bhse Jepun (sndri2... T-T). tp kalo minat, bljr sndri2 pun leh berjaya gak! >:D
10. Quote that I really like: A Life Is About To Live! >:)
11. dlm kluarga Mika yg trmasuk saudara mara, hnya dua org je yg berkepala otak seni. (>~<)
12. Dulu Mika kurg suke make-up2 ni. tp skang dh suke. hehe... tp bukanla make-up yg berwarna-warni tu. Mika suke pkai eyeliner!
13. Mika nk beli crazy contact lens. ngee... >:D
14. Anime yg betul2 wat Mika rs sedih n smpai nges adalah Wolf's Rain. sedih sgt anime ni!!! huwaaaa!!!! D'x
15. Mika suke kumpul brg2 yg comel...
16. band Visual Kei/Jrock pertama yg Mika suke adalah Alice Nine. n dorg ni la yg mmbuatkan Mika jatuh hati trus dgn muzik genre VK ni. ;)
17. waktu siang kalo boleh Mika x nak bersentuh kulit lgsung dgn chye matahari. sbb terlalu perit bg Mika! Dx
18. Mika kne byk minum air. asal dhge je kne terus minum. kalo x nti Mika leh pengsan terus. (>A<)
19. mudah bosan. =_=
20. Mika hnye suke handphone jenis Sony Ericsson shje. secanggih mn pun jenama lain, Mika ttp stick dgn Sony! >:3
22. is currently watching anime titled "Persona: Trinity Soul", n "Togainu No Chi". (>w<)
23. suke photography. baru je kne lecture ckit dgn my uncle yg smemangnya seorg lecturer graphic design ttg photography ni...
24. x suke org mengarah2 Mika suh wat tu wat ni. lbih2 lg ms nga ngantuk. =_=
25. itu je la. kalo ade pape kemusykilan ttg diri Mika lg, tanye aje. tp "oops!" pd nm sbnr ea. :)

1. Teha Bunneh
2. Mr.Noble
3. Aideal Fitri
4. Yuzuki
5. Ayaz
6. hYep!~
7. kak Fyza
8. niklisa
9. Rapunzel
10. Diana
11...amik aje la ea? sesape pun...25

Dah Balik...

konbanwa minna...ogenki?? :)
mood: mixed
location: at my home. KL...

sebenarnye nk post psl ni sejak smlm lg. tp disebabkan keletihan yg melampau, so x jd post.
hm... nk tulis ape ek? huhu... tb2 idea hilg bgaikan...bgaikan... er... ape2 jela. >:P

mmg bez sgt g Penang. dh lm sgt x jmpe dgn auntie n sepupu2 Mika yg mmg bez!
x lupe gak kat anak saudaraku yg hontou ni kawaiiiiiiiiii desu!!! xD
Ibunya sepupu Mika...
gmbr ni dr my cousin's facebook. :)
gmbr baby kat atas tu namanye Husaini. umo die skang 1tahun 8bulan. gmbr tu ms die masih baby. nakal sungguh die ni skang. :D
ari tu lupa nk snap gmbr trbaru die. T^T (apela, nsib Husaini dpt auntie pelupa...uhuk)
gmbr yg kt bwh ni plak, anak die yg ke-2 nmnye Huzaifi. umonye baru 2bulan... cute sgt2!
Huzaifi-chan desu...!
Kawaii deshou....???!!!! X3
aww... he's so cute! so chubbeh! (o>w<)O
Mika amik gmbr ni just before Mika g stesen bas utk blk ke KL...
til we meet again, my cute nephews. TwT

oh, n sebelum Mika nk balik KL, sempat ktorg g tp pantai. Teluk Asam? uhuh. :)
cantik sgt! smpat gak la Mika snap bbrp gmbr yg bez2 (bez la sgt...). hiks. x)
that's my aunt and that little boy is Husaini, my nephew... :3
 ombak, oh ombak... :)
suke sgt tgk gmbr ni. xtau knp tp rs cam... bez sgt! :D

and lastly...,
my name... nearly swept by the wave lol. xD
but that's what i love about this picture.

rs cam xnk balik je dr Penang tu.
tp, xleh dok sn lm2 la kan? x elok.
kte kne hormat tuan rumah wlpun itu saudara kte yg terdekat. :)
xpe. ade ms lg. lain kali kami dtg lg...

yosh! jmpe lg!!!
We'll miss ya!
adeh... nk nges lak. hiks.

17 October 2010


konbanwa minna... ogenki?
mood: mixed
location: still at Penang.

hm... ari ni, juz straight to the point la ea.
xde mood nk merepek2 ni.

psl seni. dlm keluarga Mika, I mean, termasuk saudara mara sekali, hnya ade dua org je yg mmg minat sgt dgn seni ni. yg lain sume x.
dua org tu ialah Mika, n my uncle.
knp leh jd cmtu? ntah la. ayah Mika bnci dgn seni ni.
ramai org yg x suke seni. dorg pndg rendah kat seni.
x kesah la seni ape2 pun. muzik ke, lakonan ke, melukis ke, x kesah la. knp ek?
hina sgt ke org seni?
knp org pndg tggi je pd org lain yg jd doktor, peguam, or engineer or watever?
slh ke org yg minat seni ni?
pdhl org yg x suke seni ni, sumenye penipu besar! penipu!
dorg ni kalo nk beli baju pun, msti tgk corak n warna jgak kan?
adakah baju tu doktor or peguam yg buat?
pastinye reka bentuk baju and warna tu dtgnye dr minda seni.
knp org pndg rendah pd org seni sedangkan brg2 yg dorg beli pun org seni gak yg cipta???
ingat nk reka ssuatu tu senang ke??? pkai minda n akal jugak tau!
bukannya senang! org seni pun manusia gak.
kelebihan dorg dlm seni je, knp diorg ni dipandang rendah?
kalo nk Islamic ckit, kulit Al-Quran tu, sape yg lukis cantik2? doktor ke? peguam ke?? engineer ke???
nk tulis muzik, leh ke dorg yg tulis? x leh kan???

kkadang tertanya2 kenapa org bnci dgn seni.
sedangkan ape yg dorg selalu cari pastinye mereka cari yg cantik.
dunia pun Tuhan ciptakan cantik. cuba kalo hitam putih? cantik ke??
sedangkan hitam n putih tu pun warna jugak.
so, org yg bnci seni ni mau lari ke mana???
ke mana2 saja dorg pg, kat ctu ade seni.
jgn la nk tipu diri sendiri. jgnla ckp korg bnci pd seni.
sbb kalo ade org yg ckp die bnci seni, die adalah penipu besar!

tu pendapat Mika. walaupun perkataan or kata2 Mika ade yg tunggang terbalik.
sori kalo ade yg x betul.
tp Mika dh muak dgr org kata yg mereka bnci pd seni ni.
stop being a big liar! stupid moron!

grrr! geram tul! Dx
dah la. kang runtuh la blog Mika ni.
http://www.emocutez.com http://www.emocutez.com http://www.emocutez.com

Let's Walk Together